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- Racial Equity Advisory Panel (REAP)
- Racial Justice Statistics Advisory Council (RJSAC)
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Racial Equity Advisory Panel
About The Panel
The Racial Equity Advisory Panel (REAP) was established by Act 9 of the 2018 Special Session and signed into law by Governor Phil Scott on June 28, 2018. One of the first duties of the Panel was to recommend candidates to the Governor for the Executive Director of Racial Equity–a new, Cabinet-level position in state government created under Act 9. The Panel receives administrative, legal, and technical support from the Agency of Administration.
The Panel’s Work
The Racial Equity Advisory Panel works with the Executive Director of Racial Equity to implement reforms, advises the Executive Director to ensure ongoing compliance with the purpose of the legislation, advises the Governor on strategies for remediating systemic racial disparities in statewide systems of government, and reports progress to the Legislature.
Panel Membership
Per the enabling statute, the Panel is comprised of 5 members, appointed collectively by all three branches of state government. The Panel members represent a diverse set of skills and expertise, and each member contributes a unique perspective drawn from professional and personal experience. The members are:
- Kerin Durfee, appointed by Speaker of the House
- Marlon Fisher, appointed by Governor Phil Scott
- Weiwei Wang, appointed by the Human Rights Commission
- Zoraya Hightower, appointed by the Senate Committee on Committees
- Superior Court Judge Rory Thibault, appointed by Chief Justice Paul L. Reiber
For More Information
- Read the enabling statute: 3 V.S.A. §5002
- Join us at a meeting: Our meetings
- Learn about our supporting agency: Agency of Administration
Racial Justice Statistics Advisory Council
About The Panel
The Racial Justice Statistics Advisory Council (RJSAC) was established by Act 142 of 2022 to serve in an advisory capacity to the Division of Racial Justice Statistics.
The Panel’s Work
The Council supports the Divison’s work by advising the Executive Director of Racial Equity and by evaluating the Division’s data to make recommendations to the Division for ongoing work. The Council receives administrative, legal, and technical support from the Agency of Administration.
Council Membership
Per the enabling statute, the Council is comprised of 7 members, appointed by entities representing different constituencies across Vermont. The Council members represent a diverse set of skills and expertise, and each member contributes a unique perspective drawn from professional and personal experience. The members are:
- Andrew Liang, appointed by Governor Phil Scott
- Mia Schultz, appointed by the Vermont chapters of the NAACP
- Mark Hughes, appointed by the Vermont Racial Justice Alliance
- Marita Canedo, appointed by Migrant Justice
- Jacob Bogre, appointed by the Association of Africans Living in Vermont
- Breanna Sheehan, appointed by the Vermont Commission on Native American Affairs
- Vacant, appointed by Outright Vermont
For More Information
- Read the enabling statute here: 3 V.S.A. §5014
- Join us at a meeting: Our meetings
- Learn about our supporting agency: Agency of Administration
The Office of Racial Equity is a member, partner, or advisor to numerous boards and commissions around the state. Below is a partial list of these working groups, mainly featuring those considered “public bodies” under 1 V.S.A. §310(4).
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Formal Title | Relevant Documents |
Act 186 |
ELs |